Please feel out the authorization form and email it to or return to your driver.
CREDIT CARD TYPE: (AmEx) (Master) (Visa) (Discovery)
CREDIT CARD NUMBER: _____________________________________________________
EXPIRATION DATE: _____/_____
CVC NUMBER: ________
NAME ON CREDIT CARD: _____________________________________________________
BILLING ADDRESS: __________________________________________________________
CITY __________________________ STATE __________ ZIP CODE __________________
AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE ____________________________________________________
I, ______________________________________ authorize San Diego Transporter, Inc. to charge the credit card listed above for requested car service(s), and I will honor all service charges.
Invoice will be processed on the credit card and then mailed to the client or company for their records.
San Diego Transporter, Inc.
Phone: +1.619.203.9605
Thank You for traveling with San Diego Transporter, Inc. Live In Style - Ride In Style, TCP 0023776-P.